Accept Payment Flow

In this document, you’ll learn how to implement an accept-payment flow using workflows or the Payment Module's main service.

NoteIt's highly recommended to use Medusa's workflows to implement this flow. Use the Payment Module's main service for more complex cases.
TipFor a guide on how to implement this flow in the storefront, check out this guide.

Flow Overview#

A diagram showcasing the payment flow's steps

1. Create a Payment Collection#

A payment collection holds all details related to a resource’s payment operations. So, you start off by creating a payment collection.

For example:

2. Create Payment Sessions#

The payment collection has one or more payment sessions, each being a payment amount to be authorized by a payment provider.

So, after creating the payment collection, create at least one payment session for a provider.

For example:

3. Authorize Payment Session#

Once the customer chooses a payment session, start the authorization process. This may involve some action performed by the third-party payment provider, such as entering a 3DS code.

For example:

When the payment authorization is successful, a payment is created and returned.

Handling Additional Action#

NoteIf you used the authorizePaymentSessionStep, you don't need to implement this logic as it's implemented in the step.

If the payment authorization isn’t successful, whether because it requires additional action or for another reason, the method updates the payment session with the new status and throws an error.

In that case, you can catch that error and, if the session's status property is requires_more, handle the additional action, then retry the authorization.

For example:

1try {2  const payment =3    await paymentModuleService.authorizePaymentSession(4,5      {}6    )7} catch (e) {8  // retrieve the payment session again9  const updatedPaymentSession = (10    await paymentModuleService.listPaymentSessions({11      id: [],12    })13  )[0]14
15  if (updatedPaymentSession.status === "requires_more") {16    // TODO perform required action17    // TODO authorize payment again.18  }19}

4. Payment Flow Complete#

The payment flow is complete once the payment session is authorized and the payment is created.

You can then:

NoteSome payment providers allow capturing the payment automatically once it’s authorized. In that case, you don’t need to do it manually.
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