Order Edit

In this document, you'll learn about order edits.

Looking for no-code docs?Refer to this Medusa Admin User Guide to learn how to edit an order's items using the dashboard.

What is an Order Edit?#

A merchant can edit an order to add new items or change the quantity of existing items in the order.

An order edit is represented by the OrderChange data model.

The OrderChange data model is associated with any type of change, including a return or exchange. However, its change_type property distinguishes the type of change it's making.

In the case of an order edit, the OrderChange's type is edit.

Add Items in an Order Edit#

When the merchant adds new items to the order in the order edit, the item is added as an OrderItem.

Also, an OrderChangeAction is created. The OrderChangeAction data model represents a change made by an OrderChange, such as an item added.

So, when an item is added, an OrderChangeAction is created with the type ITEM_ADD. In its details property, the item's ID, price, and quantity are stored.

Update Items in an Order Edit#

A merchant can update an existing item's quantity or price.

This change is added as an OrderChangeAction with the type ITEM_UPDATE. In its details property, the item's ID, new price, and new quantity are stored.

Shipping Methods of New Items in the Edit#

Adding new items to the order requires adding shipping methods for those items.

These shipping methods are represented by the OrderShippingMethod data model. Also, an OrderChangeAction is created with the type SHIPPING_ADD

How Order Edits Impact an Order’s Version#

When an order edit is confirmed, the order’s version is incremented.

Payments and Refunds for Order Edit Changes#

Once the Order Edit is confirmed, any additional payment or refund required can be made on the original order.

This is determined by the comparison between the OrderSummary and the order's transactions, as mentioned in this guide.

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